Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Human divinity

How can one person influence thousands of minds? Not for a day or a week, but enough to make crowds of people to devote their entire lives for a particular cause? Such astounding power can only be attributed to something divine.

For ages man had been in the quest to find the philosopher’s stone, the magical element which can turn metal into gold. Well, there walked among us for 86 years, a living manifestation of the philosopher’s stone- the man who could turn a normal heart into a heart of gold, a heart full of compassion and care. While some people were engaged in useless debates regarding his “miracles”, others recognized his greatest miracle- transforming people- into better human beings, who contributed to the betterment of mankind, through devotion, discipline and service.

The extra-ordinary nature of life he lived can be witnessed in the tears millions worldwide were shedding after he ceased to be. Even I, who was a skeptic until very recently, was deeply disturbed by the news. It’s not everyday that such a great soul visits this earth.

Hopefully, we all can imbibe a little of his preaching and message, and, in our little ways, help the world. Start living a clean, good life. Strive each day to become a better human being.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Klock.....tok- klock.......tok

How wide is the line which separates a fashionista from a geek? Are there any gaps in the line? Does that explain the set of us, who keep dancing on either side of it, from here to there?

I don’t wear make-up. Never get my hair “done” before going somewhere, except for that one disaster which left me looking like I was wearing a bad wig pasted flat across my scalp( in stark contrast to my wild messy tresses). I’ve been too lazy to bother about things like fashion and style.

However, things started changing sumwhere sometime. I started noticing the hot apparel, the gorgeous handbags, and the extra-ordinary hair-dos, when the exquisite creatures go klock-tok klock-tok in the malls. I started spending time ogling at the L’Oreal and Lakme stalls.Yea, been through these phases before. Random lipsticks and glosses and others shiny things bear testimony to this, lying discarded in my room, collecting dust, waiting for their inevitable destiny- the bin. And stilettos?, well.. my feet punish me cruelly if I ever dare to encase them in any sexy/beautiful high-heeled contraptions.

I was pulled into this mood again yesterday as I strolled around in a mall, waiting for a friend with whom I was to watch a movie. She was late by 45 mins, and while rambling, that sweet voice of shopping beckoned me again. But before the L’oreals or Pantaloons could lure me, a stronger voice called. If the former calls was pleasing, the latter one was a magnetic pull. Crossword… the magical land of books, the most delightful things on this planet.

And thus I went inside, wide-eyed, mesmerized and totally hooked.

Almost 40 mins later I left the place, carrying a bagful of books, which would not transform me from a bespectacled, plain-jane into a klock-tok fashionista, but would give me hours of happiness and escape into delightful little worlds.

Yes.. I’m a geek. Certified.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

to 'B' or not to 'B'

There’s a thin line between right and wrong. Sometimes, we over-step it, cross over to the wrong side and then, very conveniently erase the line and draw it over again.

Your mind gets conditioned into believing certain things as you grow up. The family you’ve grown up with, the friends you ‘ve hung out with and the environment you’ve experienced around you shapes your mind. Sometimes, these may be bloody contradictory and that’s where YOU get confused.

You’re from a family where drinking is a huge sin, and then almost everybody in your friend circle does. You pick up the glass n stare it.. grin at your friends and put it down.

Next time, they coax you into having a sip.. you do.. then it feels ok. You go back home and freak out.. “What have I done!!?” you call up a friend who belongs to this side of the line (the non-drinkers) and they push you deeper into the guilt stream. “ you had alcohol!!.. I don’t know who u are, anymore!”

You stay away frm alcohol for a long, long time. Meanwhile, you see life on the other side, people going high, having “oh so much FUN!!” boozing. Again the pendulum swings between “ no way! I’ll never touch it” to “what the hell.. it might be fun”

You hit a disturbing period in your life, where nothing, absolutely nothing is going your way.. and one day you hit the pub with your closest friends whom you trust more than anything and happily swig vodka and dance your head off… but this time when you get home, you are wiser and call another friend, one who thinks drinking is every human being’s birthright… and go to sleep with a smile.. yes.. I’ve done it!!.

But then again … a glance at someone from the other side.. Confusion continues…. ‘it’s ok.. no it’s not… what’s the big deal.. it’s against your character!!”

Is this what they mean when they say.. “Identity crisis??!!?”